Monday 10 January 2011

Every once in every life comes a point when you ask yourself:"Is it truly me? Is it really my life? What the hell is going on? I need changes. Big time.".
Well, this point has come for me.
From the point of view of an average person, my life is pretty successful - good uni, nice friends, no girlfriend currently - but hey, that can change any moment...
BUT I don't care about the average person. From what I can see from my eyes, my life is close to being a disaster.
I'm writing this post with a fearsome headache - should have gone to bed early, but Jesus Christ, it didn't happen!
I'm starting to fall back on several subjects. Not a catastrophe yet, but I don't feel motivated enough to do them.
There's a lot of stuff I want to do - play guitar, learn to drive, find a girlfriend - instead, I keep on putting it off again and again, playing computer games and drinking beer.
I don't know what I want from this life.
I made it quite successfully through my earlier years, school, studying abroad - but that didn't take much effort. It's pretty much like floating on a raft with the current - you don't have to put much muscle into it, the water will do the work for you. But this time, I'm going against the current. What used to work earlier doesn't work anymore. And there is a waterfall at the end of this river, where the water will take me if...
No more procrastination. No more wasted time. No more regrets.
Create the goals. Invent the plans. Make them come true.
Simple as that. Hard as that.
Well folks, I don't know about you, but for me the time has come. Soon, the bright future is to come!